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By Chris Chew
It does not matter whether you are considering hiring a gym instructor to help you lose weight, gain muscles or simply to get you to become fit and healthy, there are basic fundamentals you should look out for in order to choose a good fitness personal trainer.
Nowadays, there are so many gym instructors offering their services and to choose a good one, you must roll up your pants and wade into the fitness industry to scour for one. This is because the personal training industry is unregulated in most countries and thus standards of each instructor can vary widely. So here is a guide for you to know what to look for when hiring a gym instructor.
So the first thing to do is to ask your potential trainers to each give you 3 references to check on their credibility and ability. Good trainers will have no hesitation in giving you references of their former or existing clients because they are confident that they will be highly recommended as they have done a good and professional job.
If a trainer refuses or hesitates to give you any references upon request, then he/she is either very new and thus without any track record or have done badly and are afraid of you calling their clients.
Next, ask to see their certification. This is because since the industry is unregulated, many so called personal trainers are not certified or have not been trained professionally. All they can do is to teach you out of their own experiences when working out in the gym and thus may not be knowledgeable in the science of personal training or nutritional aspects and may teach you the wrong things.
Furthermore, the trainer should also be certified in CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and first aid so that he/she can respond to any emergencies in the gym.
Fees for personal trainers vary widely and are usually based on the instructor’s qualification and experience. As a general guide, the better trainers will command higher fees although there are exceptions.
If a price is the only consideration you are looking at, then you may get bad instructors if you go for the lowest fee although this may not necessarily be the case.
The logic is simple, if the trainer is good, he/she will still have clients despite the higher fees. Conversely, when an instructor is asking for a lower fee, then he/she may not be a good trainer as he/she finds it difficult to get clients as this person do not have referrals from satisfied clients. So do check around.
Although you should not base your selection of an instructor by appearance, it is an indication of the trainer’s commitment. If professional trainers don’t even have the discipline themselves to keep their bodies in good shape, then how much commitment can they give you to keep yours in good shape?
Last but not least, you must feel comfortable with your selected instructor. This is because you will be working out with this person for months or even years. Since you will be spending so much time with this person, you need feel at ease with the trainer.
So when you are considering hiring a good professional gym instructor, then keep these points in mind and chances are that you will choose a good trainer to get you into shape happily.
About the Author: Chris Chew is a fitness, health and relationship consultant. Read his free articles at
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