Submitted by: Larry L. Miller
Marketing tools are a necessary core element in your marketing plan, if you re going to build a successful online business. You can do a Google Search and you will be overwhelmed with 120 million responses that come up when searching the term “marketing tools.” Everyone and their brother’s uncle are trying to promote their program as the latest greatest tool to hit the internet. Not all of these sites listed as marketing tools are good. Not all are bad, so how do you choose which one is right for you and your marketing needs.
If you re like most of us, you ve already been suckered into spending some of your hard earned cash, for several programs that wasn t worth diddly squat. You re not the only one that has been duped in this way. I would hate to take a guess, on how much I’ve spent over the years on just plain junk programs, before I sought the advice of someone who knew what I needed to accomplish my marketing goals. Once I got the advice I needed from the professionals, immediately I was able to save a ton of money by knowing what to look for. Get the Pro’s advice, you’ll be glad you did.
Some of these marketing tools are free and some will cost you money. There is nothing wrong with free tools, as long they can be used in your particular marketing campaigns. Most of the free tools are tools that someone designed, tried to market, and failed. Some are so outdated they would be non-effective anyway, if you did try to use them in your marketing efforts.
When it comes to tools, you need to invest in, this is where you need to do your research and make sure your purchasing the right tools for the right job. There is no such thing as a one tool fits every marketing situation scenario. If someone is trying to market you such a tool….waste no more time on their hype, exit the site immediately.
The tools you purchase should be considered as an investment in your future. You should consider the purchase of these tools as part of the cost of doing business. If you were going to build a house you would look for power tools that would help you get the job done quickly, effectively and above all safely.
The process of acquiring your marketing tools should be equally important as the power tools referred to above. Sure you can still use the old fashioned tools like a claw hammer, however, a power nail gun could save you enough time to pay for itself many time over on just one single project. You could use a hand saw, or invest in a power saw and again the time savings on just one project would more than pay for your investment in the power tools. I think you re beginning to get the point here. Only purchase what will work for you now, plus be versatile enough to be used effectively on future projects.
There is one company that I’ve found that will help you fulfill your needs. BLM Traders, the leader in automated marketing tools has designed a series of well designed, versatile tools that even a novice can understand and use effectively. These tools will help you in the critical areas of promoting your business opportunity online, to help you earn Top Positions on Google and other fine search engines. You can start with a simple program designed with specific functions in mind and add to your basic programs as your needs change and you become familiar with what you need to promote efficiently. They offer live and recorded instructions on exactly how the programs work, their functions of marketing and probably the most important plus, is the live support they provide.
Search the internet, and do an in depth analysis. Compare the features and benefits of about ten different programs you feel might help you in your marketing efforts. Then narrow that list down to five programs. Then of course narrow your list to one and make the commitment to live with your choice. You will probably make some mistakes now and then, that s all right, that s just part of the business side of this venture, just remember how many time Babe Ruth the home run king struck out. He is still one of the all time baseball legions of all time.
Beware of low cost tool package deals. If the tools they’re including are so good, then why are they giving them away if you purchase their latest and greatest marketing widget. Seldom will you find a pre-packaged offering that is worth taking a second look at. Choose your programs wisely, especially if you re on a limited budget. Once you start making good money on the internet, you may have some discretionary income that you will spend on what I refer to as “curiosity getters”. Once in a while I will find a gold nugget in one of these frill sites that I can use in my personal marketing efforts. However, my intent to purchase one of these programs is to maybe get a new idea for marketing.
Your email inbox is filled with too good to be true offerings every day. Learn quickly in your marketing career where the delete button is on your computer and use it. This one helpful hint will save you a ton of time, as well as eliminate the temptation to get involved in many questionable promotions.
E-books are a dime a dozen now. The abuse of this once powerful marketing tool, has literally turned off thousands and thousands of what could have been productive, hard working online marketers. Fortunately there has evolved an alternative to getting quality information to the masses, with the recent surge in the popularity of Article Marketing. This is the latest online marketing trend used by the professionals and is extremely powerful. This could well be the next big internet boom that will make the dot com boom of the last decade look like a kindergarten dance.
No marketing system is complete without the standard SEM and SEO marketing tools. This is where the professionals can help you immensely in securing the reght tools that will fill your marketing program needs. Posting to blogs, forums, message boards, FFA sites, writing articles and submitting to multiple directories and publishers are all important activities that will help you optimize your marketing efforts. Your marketing professional can assist you in promoting your website with the most effective up to date system available today.
The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in designing an effective marketing system that will fit your individual needs for promoting your business opportunity. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.
“Let’s Build Your Business Together”
Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting
About the Author:
Larry L Miller
– SEM/SEO Consultant who specializes in promoting clients to Top Positions on Google and other leading search engines. Mr. Miller is the promotions director for
BLM Traders
the leader in
Automated Marketing Systems
. Private Line: 321-594-4405, Skype: larrylmiller121
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